^ Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator {#2208
  #total: 11
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  #items: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#2212
    #items: array:1 [
      0 => App\Http\Models\Jobs {#2214
        #guarded: []
        #appends: array:12 [
          0 => "has_applied"
          1 => "main_image"
          2 => "is_subscribed"
          3 => "is_liked"
          4 => "applied_number"
          5 => "remaining_days"
          6 => "remaining_days_nice"
          7 => "has_expired"
          8 => "total_views"
          9 => "banner_image"
          10 => "thumb_image"
          11 => "active_status"
        #attributeMappings: array:6 [
          "minimum_qualification" => array:5 [
            0 => "Under SLC"
            1 => "SLC Passed"
            2 => "+2/ Higher Secondary"
            3 => "Bachelors"
            4 => "Masters"
          "visa_ticket" => array:2 [
            0 => "Not Provided"
            1 => "Provided"
          "food" => array:2 [
            0 => "Not Provided"
            1 => "Provided"
          "accommodation" => array:2 [
            0 => "Not Provided"
            1 => "Provided"
          "pre_medical_in_nepal" => array:2 [
            0 => "Not Provided"
            1 => "Provided"
          "insurance" => array:3 [
            1 => "Provided by hiring company"
            2 => "Provided by recruiting agency"
            3 => "Not Provided"
        #connection: "mysql"
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          "id" => 26294
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          "country_id" => 18
          "company_id" => null
          "user_id" => 141963
          "title_en" => "Job opportunities in UAE with a demand of 125 people"
          "title_np" => ""
          "salary_min" => "29112"
          "salary_max" => "43668"
          "company_name_en" => "Middle East Manpower Supply - Sole"
          "lt_number" => "303735"
          "minimum_qualification" => "0"
          "working_experience" => "According to position"
          "other_facilities" => "<p> Interested candidates are requested to go to the apply section.</p>"
          "other_qualifications" => """
            <ol style="list-style-type: none;">\r\n
                                                <li>A good communicator in English</li>\r\n
                                                <li>A positive, smart team member</li>\r\n
                                                <li>Able to follow instructions accurately</li>\r\n
          "visa_ticket" => 1
          "food" => 0
          "accommodation" => 1
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          "pre_medical_in_nepal" => 1
          "insurance" => "1"
          "contract_period" => "2"
          "abstract_en" => "Attractive foreign jobs for Nepali citizen."
          "abstract_np" => ""
          "description_en" => "<p> Interested candidates are requested to go to the apply section.</p><p><br></p>"
          "description_np" => ""
          "expires_on" => "2024-05-02 00:00:00"
          "final_interview_date" => null
          "views" => 33
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          "status" => 1
          "created_at" => "2024-04-25 12:12:03"
          "updated_at" => "2024-04-25 22:16:23"
          "no_of_vacancies" => 125
          "thread_id" => 0
          "is_ethical" => 0
        #original: array:38 [
          "id" => 26294
          "manpower_id" => 1069
          "country_id" => 18
          "company_id" => null
          "user_id" => 141963
          "title_en" => "Job opportunities in UAE with a demand of 125 people"
          "title_np" => ""
          "salary_min" => "29112"
          "salary_max" => "43668"
          "company_name_en" => "Middle East Manpower Supply - Sole"
          "lt_number" => "303735"
          "minimum_qualification" => "0"
          "working_experience" => "According to position"
          "other_facilities" => "<p> Interested candidates are requested to go to the apply section.</p>"
          "other_qualifications" => """
            <ol style="list-style-type: none;">\r\n
                                                <li>A good communicator in English</li>\r\n
                                                <li>A positive, smart team member</li>\r\n
                                                <li>Able to follow instructions accurately</li>\r\n
          "visa_ticket" => 1
          "food" => 0
          "accommodation" => 1
          "service_charge" => 0.0
          "pre_medical_in_nepal" => 1
          "insurance" => "1"
          "contract_period" => "2"
          "abstract_en" => "Attractive foreign jobs for Nepali citizen."
          "abstract_np" => ""
          "description_en" => "<p> Interested candidates are requested to go to the apply section.</p><p><br></p>"
          "description_np" => ""
          "expires_on" => "2024-05-02 00:00:00"
          "final_interview_date" => null
          "views" => 33
          "is_promoted" => 0
          "status" => 1
          "created_at" => "2024-04-25 12:12:03"
          "updated_at" => "2024-04-25 22:16:23"
          "no_of_vacancies" => 125
          "thread_id" => 0
          "is_ethical" => 0
          "pivot_category_id" => 59
          "pivot_job_id" => 26294
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                "id" => 59
                "title_en" => "General Worker"
                "title_np" => "General Worker"
                "abstract_en" => "General Worker"
                "abstract_np" => "General Worker"
                "slug" => "general-worker"
                "user_id" => 1084
                "created_at" => "2019-11-03 08:41:59"
                "updated_at" => "2019-11-03 08:41:59"
              #original: array:9 [
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                "title_en" => "General Worker"
                "title_np" => "General Worker"
                "abstract_en" => "General Worker"
                "abstract_np" => "General Worker"
                "slug" => "general-worker"
                "user_id" => 1084
                "created_at" => "2019-11-03 08:41:59"
                "updated_at" => "2019-11-03 08:41:59"
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    "path" => "https://sajhajobs.com/categories/general-worker/jobs"
    "pageName" => "page"